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Eden Lead: Marketplace Cohort

Eden Lead is a one-year, relational
development journey for leaders.

Give us a year and we’ll help you experience more of what you were made for in life and leadership.

Sign Up for an Upcoming Webinar:

~ Learn About the Eden Lead Year & Get Your Questions Answered Live ~


Webinar Dates:

Wednesday, February 5 from 1:00-2:00pm

Wednesday, March 12 from 9:00-10:00am

Wednesday, April 16 from 4-5pm

Tuesday, May 13th from 11-12pm

Friday June 13th from 2-3pm


The Eden Lead Year will audit your current relational reality, provide new awareness and (re)train you to connect deeply with God, yourself and others.

Three Retreats Annually

The Eden Lead Year is a year-long development journey to deepen relationships with God, self, and others. We take leaders away for three retreats focused on:


of God

September 18-21, 2025

Discovering broken images of God and moving closer to “God Actual”


of Self

January 22-25, 2026

Discovering your beauty and brokenness and becoming more present in all your relationships

Pace &


April 23-26, 2026

Auditing your current reality and intentionally optimizing it for the relational habitat you were created for

Eden Lead Year is a balance of: audits, content, ongoing practices, stories, & group discussions to provide a right-brain experiential (re)training

Spiritual Direction Monthly

A spiritual director is someone who meets with you one-on-one for an hour each month to help you “pay attention to the active presence of God…

Participate in a weekly triad with two of your trusted friends

We are formed, malformed, and reformed in relationship, not primarily by reading or thinking.
Eden Triads are weekly meetings with three people…

Engage in personal pace and practices daily

Much of this will be personally tailored to your stage, desires, and desperations in the season. Your Eden Facilitators and spiritual director will help…

Throughout the Eden Lead Year you’ll experience:

  • Relationally safe environments conducive for souls (which are very shy) to open up to love
  • A reformation of your own emotional image of God.
  • Resources, retreats, and relationships that will deepen all your relationships
  • A local “triad” that meets weekly and monthly with a spiritual director
  • Opportunity to Identify positive and negative aspects of your formation and move toward wholeness
  • Takeaway insights and practices that you’ll apply daily with God and weekly with others

Eden Lead Year – Marketplace (Begins Fall 2025)

$8,500 for single occupancy and $11,000 for a married couple for the complete Eden Lead Year

(installment options available) and includes…

– 3 Retreats with Eden Marketplace Facilitators 
– Training for weekly Triad with local friends
– Capacity for 40 leaders 
– Personal Pace and Practices Plan

– Only $2,500 to add your spouse

Eden Lead
Marketplace Cohort

Are you a faith-driven Executive, Entrepreneur or Investor interested committed to holistic relational flourishing in your spheres of influence? If so, this cohort is for you.

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Receive updates about new cohorts, new retreats, and more. We will share progress on our shared mission and pass along a quote or question to ponder. No spam. Unsubscribe at any time.


The majority of our retreat spots are reserved for people who are in an active leadership role in their business or organization

The cost to attend our Eden Lead Year varies depending on the location of that retreat.

The fee includes everything you need while on retreat: a private room and bath, eight meals and daily refreshments. That is in addition to the Eden Lead Year formation which is a balance of: audits, content, ongoing practices, stories, and group discussions to provide a right-brain experiential (re)training.

Throughout the Eden Lead Year you’ll experience:

  • Relationally safe environments conducive for souls (which are very shy) to open up to love

  • A reformation of your own emotional image of God

  • Resources, retreats, and relationships that will deepen all your relationships

  • A local “triad” that meets weekly and monthly with a spiritual director

  • Opportunity to identify positive and negative aspects of your formation and moving towards wholeness

  • Takeaway insights and practices that you’ll apply daily with God and weekly with others

Once you’ve submitted your preferred retreat, we will contact you with more information about attending. If you have questions at any point, you can contact info@edenteam.org. Complete this application form and pay the $25 application fee to attend a single retreat and experience a taste of feeling more at home in the love of God.

The next Eden Lead Cohort retreat dates are scheduled for the following three weekends:

  • September 18-21, 2025
  • January 22-25, 2026
  • April 23-26, 2026

Arriving by 4pm on Friday, leaving at noon on Sunday.

The next Eden Lead Marketplace cohort will be hosted at: 

La Palmilla Boutique Hotel & Garden on the Brazos River near Glen Rose, TX (DFW Airport)

Address: 1626 S FM 200, Nemo, TX 76070


Eden Lead Marketplace Cohort price will be approximately $8,500. This includes resort room & board for 3 retreats over 9 months, training resources and cohort coaching. 

You can add your spouse for $2,500.

Yes. We offer a variety of payment options that can be tailored to your situation.

The registration fee includes all room and board and materials for all 3 retreats which cover 3 nights each. Participants will be responsible for travel expenses to and from retreats. Participants will be responsible for payment directly to a spiritual director for monthly sessions throughout the year.

The fee for any cancellation or change to the Eden Lead (hereafter "Cancellation/Changes") will apply in the following noncumulative manner:

  • The entire registration fee* for a "no show" or Cancellation/Change within 5 days of a retreat;
  • A $600 fee* for Cancellation/Change within 12 days of the first retreat;
  • A $450 fee* for Cancellation/Change within 3 weeks of the first retreat
  • If we are able to fill your spot with someone on the waiting list, we will adjust this Cancellation/Change fee.

A Spirit-filled follower of Jesus for at least five years who has influence. The program is entitled “Eden Lead” with the conviction that the best way to renew the church is to seek the renewal of her leaders. 

We build our retreats and cohorts for both marketplace, both female and male. Eden Lead is ideal for those who are hungry for more with God, who are experiencing a low ceiling in their relationships, or who simply sense that there has to be more to Christianity than they are currently experiencing. 

If you have been formed enough in Christ to be an imperfect but committed disciplemaker…

If you are hungry to experience more with God than you’ve known…

If you are willing to admit your neediness before God… 

If you're convinced there is growth need in relational connection with God, yourself and others...

If you're committed to leading your business towards holistic relational flourishing for your employee, customers, investors and suppliers...

…you’re a great candidate for Eden Lead.

We are formed, malformed, and reformed in relationships, not primarily by reading or thinking. Eden Triads are weekly meetings with three people of the same gender whose goal is to seek God together. Members learn to show up with each other and God to acknowledge the truth about their inner selves. Genuine spiritual friendships will develop as people grow in vulnerability in this safe environment. During our Eden Lead Year each participant will meet weekly with an Eden Triad and meet during the retreat with a Triad as well. We’ll train you on how to engage with your Triad as you build transformational relational skills on retreat. Here are three options of what that might look like:
  1. Sign up with two other local spiritual friends to experience the Eden Lead Year together, both at home (weekly) and while on Retreat.
  2. Participate at the Retreat with an assigned triad and recruit two other local friends to meet with you weekly in person (even though they are not part of the Eden Lead Year.) 
  3. Meet with your Triad both at retreat and between retreats, online. 

Much of this will be personally tailored to your stage, desires, and desperations in the season. Your Eden facilitators and spiritual director will help you to establish a personal Rule of Life that is specific to you. This will involve prayer, curiosity, and experimentation. You will build on the pathways you’re finding are most helpful for connecting with God, yourself, and others.


This process will take into account the uniqueness of your vocation and business to ensure you're plan is full aligned with the unique challenges and opportunities of your life and work. 

Each of the three retreats are 3 night, 4 day retreats. Plan to arrive at 3pm on the first day of the retreat and leave by noon on the final day for each of the three retreats.

After registering, we'll send you more specific details on travel preparation and planning.

Send an email to info@edenteam.org and the administrators will answers any questions that you may have.

Or reach out:

Eden Lead Aminstrator Lindy Gschwend (lgschwend@edenteam.org)

Director of Eden Lead, Duke Revard (drevard@edenteam.org)

We Affirm the Lausanne Covenant and the Apostles Creed.


The Eden Creed


We believe...

  1. God is Triune: Father, Son, & Spirit, and has joyfully existed as a community of love for eternity. God is love. 
  2. We were created in the image of God, who is inherently relational. As such, the quality of our lives is the quality of our relationships. 
  3. We rejected God through a relational rebellion born out of a false story regarding our ability to find life apart from him. Sin alienates us from God, ourselves, & others and leads to loneliness, guilt & shame.
  4. Early formative experiences in a fallen world have shaped how we relate & how we image God.
  5. As we’re (re)storied through counter-narratives, we are discovering God is better than we believed him to be.
  6. As dependent creatures designed for God, awareness of our need is a precondition of relational connection.
  7. The Holy Spirit is our source of power, the indwelling teacher and guide for all of life. We create space to slow down and pay attention to the Spirit’s active presence in us, around us, and for us.
  8. There are no experts in the company of Jesus. We are all learners.
  9. We grow to experience the love of God in a safe, secure environment of grace, not judgment.
  10. “The Present” is our only opportunity for connecting. We cannot relate in the past or the future, so we intentionally walk in the present at the pace of love. We find that hurry mutes the voice of God and blinds us to other images of God around us.
  11. Noticing and naming our deepest desires and desperations in the presence of God and others guides us into what is true about us and God’s purposes through us.
  12. Having connected deeply with God, ourselves, and others, we now carry this message to others in our neighborhoods and nations.


A spiritual director is someone who meets with you one-on-one for an hour each month to help you “pay attention to the active presence of God that is in you, around you, and for you.” Our curated list of recommended spiritual directors have gone through years of training to care for the souls of God’s people. They meet a huge need in the body of Christ. Leaders need regular time that is spacious and quiet in order to attend to the voice of God. Sadly, The soul is often the most neglected part of the leader’s life. It is a tragic irony that spiritual leaders, entrusted with the care of other’s souls, usually do not adequately take care of their own. Here is a very short article that explains more: https://desertdirection.com/2022/07/27/every-leader-should-have-a-spiritual-director/.


A typical session with a trained spiritual director will involve them sitting with you in prayer and with curiosity seeking to discover what God is inviting you into with Him in the moment or season. This is different than biblical counseling but a great help for growing in intimacy with God and in spiritual discernment. 


Eden Lead participants will be asked to engage monthly with spiritual director. The typical cost of a spiritual director is $100 per session. We believe many leaders will discover the value of this key spiritual investment and will continue with their spiritual director years after completing the Eden Lead Year. 


We have a trusted list of spiritual directors to refer, but participants are required to reach out and to hire their own spiritual director. Eden does not manage this relationship or get involved with payment.

Yes. We will serve healthy and nutritious meals and we do our best to accommodate a variety of dietary restrictions. We inform the kitchen/catering staff when we have individuals in our group who have some special dietary needs. This will accommodate vegetarian and gluten-free options for those who specified that when registering. If you have a serious, life threatening food allergy, please contact Lindy at lgschwend@edenteam.org before registering to determine if we can accommodate you.