How we help:
Eden Project creates intentional spaces, environments, and conversations to deepen your relationship with God, yourself, and the people around you.
Weekly meetings in the DFW area designed to exercise relational connection through Eden Triads.
3-day, 2-night retreat designed to encourage the best next step in your journey of transformation.
Cohort-based relational discipleship process with 3 retreats over 10 months.
Church consultancy designed to help pastors and leaders deepen the maturity of their local body.
Podcasts and articles curated to give you a better understanding of who God is and what he is like.
Recently retired from a 40-year career as radar and missile-system designer serving as Technical Director, Principal Member of the Technical Staff at MIT and defense engineering company co-founder. David is now free to pursue his desire that others in the marketplace connect deeply with God in transformative ways. A teacher at heart, David is privileged to serve as a facilitator on the Eden Lead Marketplace Team.
We (re)train people to connect deeply with God, themselves, and others.
Because we are loved by God, we cultivate environments conducive to deep and meaningful relationships.
“Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”
We have been created as embodied beings with an innate capacity for relationship. Because emotion is the language of relationship, we champion the courage required to examine our emotion and the honesty and vulnerability necessary to admit what is true about ourselves in the presence of God and others. As our emotional quotient grows, our capacity for relationship deepens and enables us to create spacious environments for others to experience deeper relationships themselves. The more we have of ourselves, the more we are able to give to others, and vice versa. This relational flourishing bears witness of the reality of the kingdom of God in a relationally fractured, isolated world. We reject any desire or attempt to live out of an artificial, false self, and work hard to maintain and grow authentic environments with meaningful relationships.
Because we are loved by God, we sit in unresolved tension with others, curious about how God is at work for our good in his time and his way.
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
Because we are settled in the joy that comes from experiencing an identity as God’s beloved with an integrous life, we are naturally able to sit with others in the unresolved tensions of their lives. We reject any attempt to fix others apart from the leading and empowerment of the Spirit. Rather, we patiently wait with others, continually pointing them to the presence and work of God in their lives. This allows us to be relationally present, instead of pushing an agenda on God and others to behave in ways we assume is right. We reject any attempt to coerce transformation or “hurry” someone along in their journey toward maturity, instead holding a posture of dependence on God in the lives of others.