Our Mission
We’ll help you slow down, audit your current reality, and intentionally establish a pace and practices for deep connection. Welcome to the relational habitat you were made for.
We’re experiencing more disconnection than ever due to…
1. Left Brain Dominant Formation
We’ve mostly majored on having right thoughts about God, while neglecting deepening experiences with God.
2. Alone Together
Even when we’re around others, deep connection is often rare.
3. Shrinking the Present
Our pace of life and tech distractions are leading to further alienation.
4. Broken Images of God
77% of people have a negative emotional image of God in their right brain – believing God is angry, distant, or critical.
Eden was
meant to grow
God begins his
work to restore
God’s Eden
Project continues…
Eden was the ideal relational habitat, an abundant place where God dwelled with man. East of Eden you’re formed, malformed, and reformed in relationship. As you connect directly with God, engage in a gracious community, and attend to key practices you’ll come back to the home you were made for.
A two-night introductory retreat designed to deepen your connection with God, yourself and others
A one-year relational development journey for Ministry Leaders – surrendering to God’s love to become more mature in love.
A one-year relational development journey for Marketplace leaders – becoming more inwardly sound and outwardly focused
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